Worship Resources
We are proud to offer an array of subscription-based missals and hymnals. Each missal contains Sunday readings, the Order of Mass, prayers, rites, and seasonal music. Reach out to us at [email protected] to find the right program for you!
100% Contemporary
A new annual missal that keeps the ever-changing repertoire of contemporary Catholic music in your pews!
30% Contemporary
70% Traditional
A classic and complete worship resource to inspire, inform, and transform generations of Catholics as we sing and pray together.
50% Contemporary
50% Traditional
Provides parishes with the finest in texts and music in a format that offers the right combination of stability and flexibility for quality parish worship.
A completely bilingual (Spanish / English) renewable worship resource
A stable and established repertoire including over 600 Spanish, English, and bilingual hymns, psalms, and songs. A complete and affordable bilingual side-by-side (Spanish and English) resource.
50% Contemporary
50% Traditional
Provides the convenience of a missal and the repertory of a hymnal in one book. The most affordable annual hymnal/missal combination available.

Other Subscriptions
Sanctus is a fully bilingual side-by-side liturgy resource that includes readings and psalm responses (Abbey Psalms and Canticles) for Sundays and major feasts!
May be used in conjunction with any hymnal, service book, or another music resource. Intended for those who wish to pre-read the Scriptures of the day as a preparation for the celebration.
An annual missal without hymns and songs. Contains readings, psalms, and antiphons for Sundays, Holy Days, and weekdays.
Includes the year's Lectionary readings along with commentary and discussion questions for Sundays and holy days. A welcome resource for presiders, and religious education programs.
A popular annual resource designed for use by priests at daily Eucharist, lay ministers, and those who lead daily prayer in other settings.
A quarterly resource for priests, deacons, and liturgy planners includes suggested texts, patterns and models for crafting liturgical language for Sundays and feasts.
A subscription-based weekly children’s bulletin full of activities with a wide range of faith experiences. Available in Spanish and also available as a digital subscription.
GIA Quarterly has been fully integrated with WLP’s AIM magazine, providing you with a complete planning resource that truly highlights what GIA has to offer you!