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160+ Songs and Psalms

Celebremos Pie Chart

3 Mass Settings Included

Featuring an array of gospel, liturgical, praise & worship, and bilingual (Spanish/English) songs, along with three complete mass settings, the Order of Mass, and each responsorial psalm for the Sundays and feast days throughout the year. The responsorial psalms in Novum feature texts from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles.


  • Readings for all Sundays, Solemnities, and Feasts for the liturgical year
  • Contemporary psalm refrains
  • Contains The Order of Mass with Chants from The Roman Missal.
  • Three complete mass settings: Mass of Saint Ann (Bolduc)
    Mass of Saint Catherine of Sienna (Hess)
    Mass of the Sun of Justice / Misa Sol de Justicia (Kolar)
  • 146 songs by contemporary composers

Pew Edition

Accompaniment Editions

Novum Keyboard Accompaniment

2 spiral-bound volumes available in landscape format

Landscape Accompaniment

Novum Guitar Accompaniment

2 spiral-bound volumes available in portrait format

Portrait Accompaniment