GIA Hymnals and Missals
Your one-stop shop for long-term and renewable music resources for your community.
GIA continuously strives to put the very best music and texts in the hands, on the lips, and in the hearts of every singing assembly. We know the needs of every congregation are different and we proudly offer a wide selection of high-quality resources created to meet a diverse range of musical needs and desires. We are committed to helping you find the right hymnal or missal for your worshiping community!
Long-Term Worship Resources
We are proud to offer a wide variety of hardbound hymnals that will look beautiful in your community's pews for years to come.
These resources contain a host of hymns and songs, can come with or without readings, and contain music that will please any congregation.
Renewable Worship Resources
Our subscription-based missals and hymnals will ensure your community's music is always fresh and updated.
We offer both annual and tri-annual missals. You will seamlessly receive your missals year after year without interruption.