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Sunday's Word 2024 - Year C (Beginning Advent 2024)

© 2024 GIA. Individual copyrights may apply. Published with the approval of the CDW, USCCB.

Item #: G-SW24     Status: Available

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Sunday’s Word is for use in conjunction with a hymnal and service book or other music resource, and is intended for those who wish to preread the scriptures of the day as a preparation for the celebration, who have difficulty hearing, or who feel the need to read the text as it is proclaimed for full comprehension. The Eucharistic Prayers are also included.

It contains the assembly’s responsorial psalm refrain for each Sunday and major feast. The full version of the Psalms (keyboard accompaniments, guitar chords, and cantor verses) are found in Lectionary Psalms: Michel Guimont (G-8150).

Sunday’s Word also contains the Order of Mass, with the assembly’s responses from Tony Alonso’s setting, Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations (G-9090). The full score with the keyboard accompaniments and choral parts (G-9090FS) and other editions are available from GIA.

The weekday section includes the entrance antiphon, Psalm response, gospel verse, and communion antiphon for all feasts, memorials, and weekdays of the year. In addition, the Order of Mass texts (including both the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed) are printed on the inside front cover for convenience.

The perfect companion to any hymnal...

• Now with larger, easy-to-read print

• Readings for Sundays and major feasts

• Order of Mass with music from the Mass of Christ, Light of the Nations

• Enhanced weekday section

• Easy-to-read 6.5” x 9.5” format; 250 pages

• Low price of $2.60 each

Format: Printed