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Learning Sequences in Music - 2012 edition

A Contemporary Music Learning Theory

Edwin E. Gordon

1998, 2003, 2007, 2012 GIA Publications, Inc.

Item #: G-2345     Status: Available

$46.50 Ship

Series: Music Learning Theory (MLT)


The first major revision of this groundbreaking book in 10 years!

Learning Sequences in Music: Skill, Content, and Patterns is a milestone in music education. This book is perhaps the most provocative exploration ever written of how we learn music, from infancy to adulthood, and what we should do to teach music more effectively.

Revised, expanded, and completely rewritten for this eighth and final edition, Professor Edwin E. Gordon's continued research reaffirms his place as perhaps the world's principal thinker and researcher in music education. Early controversial ideas championed by Gordon have now been widely accepted in the field: the importance of standardized tests, the crucial role of early childhood music education, and the fundamental need to teach audiation as a precursor to music reading.

Professor Gordon continues to present a feast of ideas in this new edition, combining the latest experimental and observational research in music learning with his own experience teaching students of all ages. Topics covered include: the state of music today, audiation, individual differences, aptitude, readiness, and measurement and evaluation.

This book is a monumental achievement sure to be read and reread by generations of music educators to come.

Edwin E. Gordon is known throughout the world as a preeminent researcher, teacher, author, editor, and lecturer in the field of music education. After receiving bachelor's and master's degrees in string bass performance from the Eastman School of Music and a second master's degree in education from Ohio University, Gordon attended the University of Iowa, where he earned a PhD. As a professor of music, he held the Carl E. Seashore Chair for Research in Music Education at Temple University, where he was presented with both the Lindback and Great Teacher Awards. Gordon also taught at the University of Iowa and the State University of New York at Buffalo. At the University of Iowa, he became general editor of Studies in the Psychology of Music, and the school has honored him with their Distinguished Alumni Award. He has also been named a Herb Alpert Visiting Scholar at the Berklee School of Music.

Gordon's five most well-known books are The Psychology of Music Teaching, Learning Sequences in Music, Introduction to Research and the Psychology of Music, Rhythm: Contrasting the Implications of Audiation and Notation, and A Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children. Among the seven standardized tests he developed are the Musical Aptitude Profile; Primary, Intermediate, and Advanced Measures of Music Audiation; Iowa Tests of Music Literacy; Instrument Timbre Preference Test; and Harmonic and Rhythm Improvisation Readiness Records.

Categories: Pedagogy, Reference/Textbooks

Number of Pages: 452

Language: English

Format: Hard Cover

Discipline: Band, Choir, General Music, Orchestra