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Curated Selections for the

Fifth Sunday of Lent

17 March 2024

Tried and True
A work that that has shown the test of time and is a staple in the libraries of many parish choirs.
Come Follow Me Forever
G-5387 - Composer: Johann Michael Haydn, Text Author: Patrick Liebergen, Arranger: Patrick Liebergen
Preview $2.35
Staff Pick
Highlights a selection as being of particular interest for this liturgy.
When Jesus Came from Nazareth
G-5137 - Composer: Randall Sensmeier, Text Author: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.
Preview $2.35
More great choral pieces for this liturgy
Come Follow Me
G-3028 - Composer: Bartholomaeus Gesius, Arranger: John Leavitt
Preview $2.35
Create in Me a Clean Heart
G-9894 - Composer: Eurydice V. Osterman
Preview $2.30
Never the Blade Shall Rise
G-3817 - Composer: Kathy Powell, Text Author: Kathy Powell
Preview $2.60
Seasons Turn
G-9183 - Composer: Thomas Keesecker, Text Author: Delores Dufner
Preview $2.35
Love One Another
Ámense, Unos a Otros
005805 - Composer: Tony Alonso
Preview $2.60
Come, You Sinners, Poor and Needy
G-9454 - Text Author: Joseph Hart, Arranger: Tony Alonso
Preview $2.55
The Road Leads On Again
G-5346 - Composer: Bob Moore, Text Author: Richard Leach
Preview $2.35
Where Charity and Love Abide
008076 - Composer: Trevor Thomson
Preview $1.40
Striving after God
G-6413 - Composer: Undine Smith Moore, Text Author: Michelangelo
Preview $2.55
Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls into the Earth
G-9016 - Composer: Marty Haugen, Text Author: Marty Haugen
Preview $2.35
Your Sacrifice
001210 - Composer: Thomas Lucas
Preview $1.40
If a Single Grain of Wheat Should Fall
008074 - Composer: Ken Macek, Arranger: Robert Amar
Preview $1.40
Have Mercy On Us For We Have Sinned
Psalm 51
001213 - Composer: W. Clifford Petty
Preview $2.35
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Resources from GIA and WLP Hymnals and missals for this liturgy as found in the GIA Quarterly Magazine.

Selections from GIA & WLP's Permanent hymnals.

Click here to jump to Selections from WLP's renewable resources.

Selections from WLP's renewable resources

Responsorial Psalms for Mass

Click here to learn about the different psalm translations approved for use in the United States

Responsorial Psalms with verses from the Abbey Psalms and Canticles

Create a Clean Heart in Me, O God - PDF
Psalm for the Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year B)
D-1036214 - Composer: Marty Haugen
Preview $2.00
Fifth Sunday of Lent B - PDF
D-10374038 - Composer: Michel Guimont
Preview $2.00
Fifth Sunday of Lent B - PDF
D-10600037 - Composer: Michael Mahler
Preview $2.00

Responsorial Psalms with verses from the Revised Grail Psalter

Responsorial Psalms with verses from the Lectionary For Mass

Fifth Sunday of Lent—B - PDF
Create a clean heart in me, O God.
D-e03383024 - Composer: James Burns
Preview $2.00
For decades GIA has been a leading publisher of texts and tunes for congregational singing. Unbound makes thousands of those hymns available at the click of a button. Selections previously published in text and tune collections can now be purchased as PDF downloads with full accompaniment included. New material will be added on a rolling basis, featuring works by today's best writers and composers. While provides permissions for congregational use, Unbound provides full scores for instrumentalists and music leaders.
Here are hymns from the Unbound Series that may be suitable for this celebration.
O Love, That Wilt Not Let Me Go - PDF
D-929831 - Composer: Benjamin Brody, Text Author: George Matheson
Preview $2.50
Seasons Turn - PDF
D-916430 - Composer: Thomas Keesecker, Text Author: Delores Dufner
Preview $2.50
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