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GIA Publications is proud to offer the best, most-researched music aptitude and achievement tests on the market for students of all ages, now available online. Created by Edwin E. Gordon, a leading scholar in music testing and music education, these tests are the most valid and reliable available today.

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Primary and Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation


These two aptitude tests are designed to diagnose and measure music potential in students Grades K–6 and are crucial in helping music teachers adapt instruction to the individual needs of their students. Neither test requires reading or music skills, and the administration time is at most two 20-minute periods.

The complete kit (paper version) includes: 100 rhythm answer sheets, 100 tonal answer sheets, CD with tonal and rhythm tests, introduction to testing booklet and two research monographs, one set of scoring masks, manual, 100 student profile cards, and four class record sheets. Kit items also available separately.


Advanced Measures of Music Audiation


A valid music aptitude test for college students (both music majors and non-majors), high school students, and junior high school students. The entire test takes less than 20 minutes to complete. Yields tonal, rhythm, and composite scores. Scoring service is available from GIA Publications. The complete kit (paper version) includes: 100 rhythm answer sheets, 100 tonal answer sheets, CD with tonal and rhythm tests, introduction to testing booklet and two research monographs, one set of scoring masks, manual, 100 student profile cards, and four class record sheets. Kit items also available separately.


Instrument Timbre Preference Test

This test objectively assists students nine years of age and older in selecting an appropriate brass or woodwind instrument to learn to play. It requires less than 30 minutes to administer. Students listen to a CD recording of different sounds and indicate on an answer sheet which ones they prefer. Kit includes 100 answer sheets, CD, scoring masks, class record sheets, and three research monographs. May be machine scored, and GIA Publications scoring service is available. Items also available separately.


Musical Aptitude Profile (Grades 5-12)

The Musical Aptitude Profile (MAP) is the world standard in music aptitude testing. It is a complete test with seven components: tonal imagery (melody and harmony), rhythm imagery (tempo and meter), and musical sensitivity (phrasing, balance, and style). The entire test takes about 3.5 hours to administer. The MAP kit includes manual, compact discs, 5 class record sheets, 50 answer sheets, 50 profile cards, scoring masks, introduction to testing booklet, and four research monographs. Items also available separately.


Iowa Tests of Music Literacy

Measure music literacy in Grades 4–12! There are a total of six levels in this series, and each level is sequentially more difficult. All six levels are organized into two parts: Tonal Concepts and Rhythm Concepts. Each of these parts takes 45 minutes to administer and will yield information on listening, reading, and writing. Levels 1, 2, and 3 are appropriate for Grades 4–12, and Levels 4, 5, and 6 are appropriate for Grades 7–12. The complete kit includes one manual, 50 rhythm and 50 tonal answer sheets for each level, one Level 1 CD and one test cassette for each of the other five test levels, one set of scoring masks for each level, 50 cumulative record folders, and six class record sheets, an introduction to testing booklet, and two research monographs. Items are also available separately.


Harmonic and Rhythm Improvisation Readiness Record

These two tests are designed to serve as objective aids to teachers in assisting their students, Grade 3 through music graduate school, to improvise music by providing them with appropriate opportunities and instructions. Each test is less than 20 minutes long and can be machine scored. The extensive manual includes information on how to score and interpret test results. Kit includes 100 harmonics answer sheets, 100 rhythm answer sheets, scoring masks, a CD, and a manual. Items also available separately.


PMMA Individual Items

Primary Measures of Music Audiation - Audio CD - CD
K-Grade 3, Contains both Tonal and Rhythm portions
G-2242CD - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - 100 Tonal Answer Sheets
K-Grade 3
G-2242T100 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - 500 Tonal Answer Sheets
K-Grade 3
G-2242T500 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - 100 Rhythm Answer Sheets
K-Grade 3
G-2242R100 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - 500 Rhythm Answer Sheets
K-Grade 3
G-2242R500 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - Test Manual
K-Grade 3
G-2242M - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - 100 Profile Cards
K-Grade 3
G-2242PC100 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Primary Measures of Music Audiation - 10 Class Record Sheets
K-Grade 3
G-2242CRS10 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon

IMMA Individual Items

Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - Audio Compact Disc - Book
Contains both tonal and rhythm portions
G-2593CD - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - 100 Tonal Answer Sheets - Book
G-2593T100 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - 500 Tonal Answer Sheets - Book
G-2593T500 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - 100 Rhythm Answer Sheets - Book
G-2593R100 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - 500 Rhythm Answer Sheets - Book
G-2593R500 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - Test Manual - Book
G-2593M - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
IMMA - Scoring Masks (Tonal and Rhythm) - Book
Use 2593RAK
G-2593SM - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - 100 Profile Cards - Book
G-2593PC100 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Intermediate Measures of Music Audiation (Grades 1-6) - 10 Class Record Sheets - Book
G-2593CRS10 - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon

AMMA Individual Items

Advanced Measures of Music Audiation - Scoring Masks
Grade 7 to Adult
G-3372SM - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Advanced Measures of Music Audiation - 100 Answer Sheets
Grade 7 to Adult
G-3372ANS - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Advanced Measures of Music Audiation - GIA Scoring Service
Grade 7 to Adult
G-3372S - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Advanced Measures of Music Audiation - CD - CD
Grade 7 to Adult
G-3372CD - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon
Advanced Measures of Music Audiation - Manual edition
Grade 7 to Adult
G-3372M - Composer: Edwin E. Gordon