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Aligning Music to STEM - Book

Theory and Practice for Middle School General Music

Frank Abrahams

Item #: G-9968     Status: Available

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This book serves to be a road-map for today’s music educators who are tasked with promoting and fulfilling a rich arts curriculum, while still understanding and incorporating the realities and skill sets required in current and future job markets. Aligning Music to STEM challenges teachers and administrators to rethink the structure of traditional music education, as well as encourages universities to reimagine how they train music educators. It motivates schools and universities to explore their curricula designs and how ideas and lesson plans are being differentiated to promote the integration of STEM in the music classroom.

This text outlines ways that we can carefully redesign curricula and explore new approaches that aim to provide students with new opportunities to problem-solve, create, collaborate, and experience the world. Abrahams concludes that as current educators, it is our responsibility to promote new ideas for teaching and learning that lead students to a successful, creative life.

—Jamie Sokolowski
    Vice Principal, Molin Middle School
    Newburyport, Massachusetts

Frank Abrahams is Associate Dean and Professor of Music Education at Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, New Jersey. His most current research centers on aligning music instruction to STEM. These are described in his books Planning Instruction in Music and Becoming Musical, co-authored with Ryan John and published by GIA. With Paul Head, he is the author of Case Studies in Music Education, published by GIA, and the Oxford Handbook of Choral Pedagogy (Oxford University Press).

Categories: Curriculum, Pedagogy, Reference/Textbooks

Number of Pages: 222

Format: Book

Discipline: General Music