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Abrahams, Frank

Frank Abrahams is retired Associate Dean and Professor Emeritus of Music Education at Westminster Choir College of Rider University. Dr. Abrahams has pioneered the development of critical pedagogy for music education. He was senior editor of Visions of Research in Music Education and has been on the editorial board of the Music Educators Journal. Publications include Aligning Music to STEM (GIA), Planning Instruction in Music, and Becoming Musical with co-author Ryan John. With Paul Head, he is the co-author of Case Studies in Music Education and the Oxford Handbook of Choral Pedagogy.

A native of Philadelphia, Abrahams holds degrees from Temple University and New England Conservatory. In addition to his work in music education and administration, he enjoys an active career as a pianist and choral conductor. He is the founder of the Westminster Music Theater Workshop, a summer program for high school actors and singers held on the Westminster campus. In addition, he is founder and conductor of the Westminster Conservatory Youth Chorale.

Abrahams has pioneered the development of a critical pedagogy for music education. This new teaching model encourages music teachers and ensemble conductors to adapt instruction and rehearsal techniques to address individual differences in learning styles and empowers students to be musicians. His lessons form the foundation for the general music curriculum at Westminster Academy, the laboratory school of the Music Education Department and Westminster Conservatory, and his pedagogical ideas provide the framework for Westminsters undergraduate and graduate music education curricula.