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A Singer's Epiphany - Book

Faith, Music, and Mortality

Lynn Eustis

Item #: G-10288     Status: Available

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How does an artist come to terms with a brain tumor? A compelling storyteller, Lynn Eustis reveals her experiences with immediacy and intimacy. Her journal entries along with curated Bible verses and quotations from poems and literature are inspiring. Blending self-reflection and humor, she explains how a deeper understanding of singing, teaching, music, and mortality has transformed her life for the better.

—MaryJean Allen
    Co-author of What Every Singer Needs to Know About the Body
    Certified Alexander Technique teacher

For more than twenty years, I have greatly admired Dr. Eustis for her bravery and generosity in sharing the most difficult aspects of her own artistic self-examination. This extraordinary book chronicles her profound connection of health and music, channeling the same emotional strength that fortifies her singing, teaching, and humanity. Learning the details of her harrowing journey has inspired me, with a gentle reminder that friendship and kindness are not to be underestimated, at any level. All my gratitude to Lynn for allowing us to see straight into her beautiful heart.

—Craig Terry
    Music Director, Ryan Opera Center at Lyric Opera Chicago

Lynn Eustis is a brain tumor survivor and faculty member at Boston University, where she teaches voice. She is the author of The Singer’s Ego: Finding Balance between Music and Life and The Teacher’s Ego: When Singers Become Voice Teachers. A native of Long Island, New York, she lives in Boston with her two cats.

Categories: Philosophical/Inspirational

Number of Pages: 162

Format: Book

Discipline: Choir