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The Singer's Ego: Finding Balance between Music and Life

A Guide for Singers and Those Who Teach and Work with Singers

Lynn Eustis

© 2005 GIA.

Item #: G-6528     Status: Available

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“Many singers deal with the problem of separating themselves from the ‘the voice.’ Dozens of singers I know will describe the actions of ‘the voice’ as completely alien to their own desires, as though ‘the voice’ itself were another person misbehaving in their relationship.” —Lynn Eustis, in The Singer’s Ego

Few people, other than singers themselves, understand the daily psychological conflicts that make up the singer’s world—challenges unique to those who carry their instrument in their own body.

Singers must deal with crises of vocal health and self-doubt, take criticism of every aspect of their appearance, and endure the stereotypes of the “diva” label, all while communicating the most profound human emotions through their music. And while music schools do much to prepare voice majors technically, they often look past the inner turmoil that is an unavoidable part of the singer’s life.

The Singer’s Ego is a groundbreaking book that explores the serious issues singers face, issues with profound implications for both singers and their teachers. From the psychological to the practical, anything that can or will affect a singer’s performance is included in this book.

Author Lynn Eustis, a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music and voice instructor at Boston University, draws from her experience as a professional singer and the wisdom gained from her many years of teaching voice. 

This book is divided into two parts: “The Inner World,” which covers all of the emotional and personal issues involved with singing, and “The Outer World,” which addresses questions of public perception and performance. At the end of each chapter, Eustis includes a section called “Further Exploration,” which is filled with introspective exercises.

This book is an invaluable addition to the libraries of singers, conductors, and teachers of singing at all levels.

Lynn Eustis is a faculty member at Boston University, where she teaches voice.

Categories: Choral/Vocal, Formational Resources, Pedagogy, Philosophical/Inspirational, Professional Development

Number of Pages: 162

Language: English

Format: Hard Cover

Discipline: Choir