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Play for the Lord - Volume 6

Piano Duets

Teresa Cobarrubia Yoder


Item #: 003023    

PDF for $17.00

Status: Available

$17.00 Ship

Status: Available

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Tune Name: Lasst uns erfreuen, Salve, regina caelitum, Antioch, Let us break bread, Veni, emmanuel, O filii et filiae, Stille nacht, Were you there, Wondrous love


These pieces provide piano students (late beginner to intermediate) the opportunity to play, pray, and enjoy well-crafted duets for prayer services, recitals, and church/school worship. A pedagogical overview is included. Titles include: All Creatures of Our God and King; Hail, Holy Queen; Immaculate Mary; Joy to the World; Let Us Break Bread Together; Lord of the Dance; O Come, O Come Emmanuel; O Sons and Daughters; Ride On, King Jesus; Silent Night; Were You There; What Wondrous Love Is This

Categories: Instrumental, Piano

Format: Printed