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Knowing the Score

A Comprehensive Approach to Analysis

Robert Quebbeman

Item #: G-9544     Status: Available

$59.95 Ship


Knowing the Score is a comprehensive approach to all aspects of music score reading and analysis that provides a sequential system for efficient and complete score study. Central to this book are more than 300 pages of music scores for band, orchestra, and choir from a wide range of sources.

This book is the culmination of Dr. Robert Quebbeman's twenty years of teaching score reading at the university level. No single resource has ever contained such a systematic guide to score reading and analysis.

Knowing the Score is divided into two parts. Part 1 covers score study steps, transposition and instrumentation, form graphs and phrasal analysis, music forms in both instrumental and vocal areas, and contemporary scores. Part 2 visually enhances this resource with printed pages from the scores of 84 works from the broad spectrum of classical literature.

Of particular importance to this resource are several distinctive features:

  • An emphasis on scores in multiple genres
  • Inclusion of complex and atypical examples
  • Detailed instructions on marking the score
  • Interpretation
  • Preparing musicals and operas
  • Memorizing the score

This resource is designed for graduate- or undergraduate-level courses, or for any conductors looking to improve their own score study skills. Knowing the Score is truly the first of its kind.

Robert Quebbeman is Professor of Music Emeritus from Missouri State University in Springfield, Missouri.

Categories: Conducting, Reference/Textbooks

Format: Spiral

Discipline: Band, Choir, Orchestra