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Concertos Analyzed

Robert Quebbeman


Item #: G-10799     Status: Available

$39.95 Ship


Concertos Analyzed provides in-depth analysis of over sixty complete concertos by forty different composers, including one or more concertos for each of the main instruments of the orchestra and a multitude of popular piano and violin concertos.

The third in a trilogy of score analysis resources for conductors, this book follows an identical format to its predecessor, Symphonic Works Analyzed, and includes repertoire spanning the Classical era to the twentieth century.

Each analysis provides detailed, easy-to-follow charts outlining the structure and form of the concerto—complete with music examples of important themes, discussions of the significant details of each composition, and the instrumentation required for performance.

An essential reference for conducting students and professionals, this resource facilitates both the visual and aural components of score study, illuminating the intricacies of each work for efficient assimilation.

Robert Quebbeman, A.Mus.D., is an emeritus professor at Missouri State University, where he served for almost thirty years as Director of Orchestral Activities and Director of Graduate Studies in Music.

Categories: Conducting, Reference/Textbooks

Number of Pages: 202

Format: Softcover

Discipline: Orchestra