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Introits and Anthems for Voices and Bells - Volume 2

Ash Wednesday through Pentecost

Clark Kimberling

Words for "A Mighty Sound from Heaven" © Oxford University Press. Words for "So Early in the Morning" and Music © 2014 GIA.


Item #: G-8427    

PDF for $6.15

Status: Available

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Status: Available

Vocal Forces: SATB

Accompaniment: None, Reduction

Instrumental parts included: 2 Handbells

Text Source: Words taken from Psalm 47, 118, adapt.; Joel 2, adapt.; Matthew 2, alt.; George Hunt Smyttan, alt.; Clark Kimberling; The Venerable Bede, tr. Elizabeth Rundle Charles, alt.; George B. Timms, alt.; Ambrose of Milan, tr. Unknown

Difficulty Level: E


These introits and anthems were born from Clark Kimberling’s experience as composer-in-residence at an Episcopal church. The introits are intended for use at the beginning of a service prior to the processional. Each piece starts with the sound of one or two handbells to establish pitch, tempo, and spirit, then the voices enter with bells ringing throughout.

In addition to their use as a prelude to the gathering hymn, they may be used before or after the Gospel reading or during Communion. The seasonal categories should not limit usage. Introits and Anthems for Voices and Bells can also be used in creative ways for many occasions other than those specified in this collection.

Contents: Blow the Trumpet in Zion • Forty Days and Forty Nights • Hosanna to the Son of David • So Early in the Morning • A Song of Glory Let Us Sing • This Is the Day the Lord Has Made • All Peoples, Clap Your Hands • A Mighty Sound from Heaven • Now Holy Spirit.

Categories: Choral/Vocal, Collection, Handbells, Liturgical

Seasonal: Lent, Eastertide

Liturgical: Ascension A, Ascension B, Ascension C, Ash Wednesday, Easter Sunday, Trinity Sunday A, Trinity Sunday B, Trinity Sunday C, Palm Sunday A, Palm Sunday B, Palm Sunday C, Pentecost A, Pentecost B, Pentecost C

Rites: Introit / Entrance Antiphon

Bible Reference: Psalm 47, Psalm 118, Joel 2, Matthew 2

Scored for: Handbell

Number of Pages: 20

Language: English

Format: Softcover