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Singing Our Savior's Story

A Congregational Song Supplement for the Christian Year - Hymn Texts since 1990

Editor: James Abbington

© 2014 GIA. Individual copyrights may apply.

Item #: G-8867     Status: Available

$13.95 Ship

Vocal Forces: SATB


From the Preface by Dr. James Abbington...

This collection of over 100 hymns for congregational singing written since 1990 provides the Christian church with contemporary, refreshed, revitalized and rejuvenated texts as we constantly seek new ways and worship resources “to tell [and sing] me the old, old story of Jesus and His love.” They are biblically based, theologically astute, and culturally relevant. The hymn-poets represented are among the finest of recent decades, having produced many of these treasures in single-author volumes, but not yet included in denominational hymnals or supplements published in the last 20 or more years. Unique to this collection are inspiring and informative catechetic introductions by The Reverend Lisa M. Weaver who has provided a helpful explanation, discussion and reflection on the seasons Advent-Christmas-Epiphany and Lent-Easter-Pentecost before the selection of hymns.

It is my sincere hope and prayer that this collection of congregational songs for the Christian Year since 1990 will restore and reinvigorate Christian congregations to sing the story of our Savior’s birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and second coming with new meaning and insight. May worship be recovered as the proclamation and enactment of God’s story through song!

Categories: Choral/Vocal

Number of Pages: 220

Language: English

Format: Spiral