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Gusten y Vean: Salmo 34 / Taste and See: Psalm 34

Salmo Responsorial / Responsorial Psalm

Tony Alonso

English Tr. © 1963, 1986, 1993, 2000, The Grail, admin. GIA. Spanish Tr. © 1970, 1972 Conferencia Episcopal Española. Music © 2008, 2010 GIA.

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Item #: G-7871    

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Status: Available

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Status: Available

Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Assembly

Accompaniment: Piano

Guitar: Yes

Separate Instruments: C Instrument I, C Instrument II, Guitar

Text Source: Psalm 34: The Grail and Leccionario Edición Hispanoamericana

Series: Oramos cantando

Difficulty Level: E


The easy-to-learn, easy-to-like refrain of this setting was used previously for a Communion song (G-7244); here it acts as the response for a responsorial psalm. Three reprint boxes are available in the edition: Spanish only, English only, and a combination of both.

Categories: Choral/Vocal

Seasonal: Ordinary Time

Liturgical: Lent 4 C, OT 19 B, OT 20 B, OT 21 B

Rites: Eucharist, First Communion, Marriage

Topical: Wedding

Bible Reference: Psalm 34

Number of Pages: 12

Language: English; Spanish

Format: Octavo