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Lectionary Psalms and Gospel Acclamations - Supplement for Vigil of Pentecost

Supplement for Vigil of Pentecost

Pentecost Vigil (Hughes) - PDF
D-e0338801 - Composer: Howard Hughes
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Pentecost Vigil (Tone 8G) - PDF
D-e0338802 - Composer: H. Hamilton Smith
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Pentecost Vigil (Haugen - Thompson) - PDF
D-e0338803 - Composer: Marty Haugen
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Pentecost Vigil (Englert) - PDF
D-e0338804 - Composer: Eugene Englert
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Pentecost Vigil (della Picca) - PDF
D-e0338805 - Composer: Angelo A. della Picca
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Pentecost Vigil (Janco) - PDF
Gospel Acclamation–Year A
D-e0338806 - Composer: Steven R. Janco
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Pentecost Vigil (Gerrish) - PDF
Gospel Acclamation–Year B
D-e0338807 - Composer: Gerrish James O.
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