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GIA is honored to announce that World Library Publications (WLP) will become a division of GIA Publications, Inc., effective January 2, 2020. GIA is pleased to be the steward of such a respected catalog of publications, subscription services, and other sacred resources.

Frequently Asked Questions (Ver en español)

Q: What is the timeline for WLP to transition to a division of GIA?
A: WLP will become a division of GIA on January 1, 2020.

Q: As a customer, what changes will I experience?
A: We are working diligently to make sure your customer experience is smooth and positive always. After January 1, 2020, all of your favorite WLP resources will be available through GIA. Additionally, all purchases after January 1, 2020 will be billed through GIA.

Q: Where can I find WLP products online after January 1, 2020?
A: All World Library products will be available at We ask for your patience (and prayers) as we take on the monumental task of adding the entire World Library catalog to our website. If you are not able to find what you need on the website during this transition, please call our customer service line at 1-800-442-1358. One of our representatives will be able to help you order what you need. We will be working hard to provide you with WLP music in the digital download form you have come to expect from the GIA website as soon as possible.

Q: How do I pay my WLP bill?
A: All bills sent from World Library Publications (anything prior to January 1, 2020) should be paid to World Library. Billing will switch to GIA in January. Any new bill sent in 2020 will include information on how to pay your bill with GIA. If you already have an account with GIA, your WLP purchases made after January 1st will be added to your established account. There will be no need to maintain two accounts.

Q: Will you still publish missalettes? Will the music change?
A: All missalettes and all products associated with them will continue to be published in the same manner. We will continue to introduce new music into the missalettes as in the past while maintaining your parish’s repertoire.

Q: Will my subscription relationship transfer?
A: Yes, as of January 1, 2020, GIA will manage your subscription. We have taken all necessary steps to ensure a smooth transition. You should expect no interruptions in subscription services. All delivery timelines will remain the same.

Q: I thought GIA only believed in publishing hymnals. Why are you now publishing missalettes?
A: We still believe that our hard-bound hymnals are the best music resources for parishes but we also recognize that all communities have their own needs and preferences. Some even use both hymnals and missalettes. You know your church best. That being said, this is our opportunity to produce a missalette of the highest quality possible and offer parishes the widest variety of options.

Q: Will prices change?
A: At this time, there are no scheduled price changes related to the transition, though as always, prices are subject to change at any time.

Q: What should I do if I have a return / missed shipment / order discrepancy?
A: After January 1, 2020, any specific issues can be handled on a case-by-case basis through GIA’s customer service department by calling 1-800-442-1358.

Q: Will my bulletin credit program continue?
A: The bulletin credit program with WLP will NOT continue with GIA. GIA does not publish bulletins. Please contact J.S. Paluch for any questions regarding bulletins.

Q: What will happen to my WLP license?
A: Your WLP reprint license will remain unchanged for the length of your contracted term, and we are actively evaluating options for this license moving forward.