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Words That Work for Worship - Book

Alan J. Hommerding

Item #: 017285     Status: Available

$5.00 Ship

Series: WorshipWorks


This addition to the WorshipWorks. series explores the merits of the texts we sing in worship. Whether you are the person responsible for evaluating sung texts for your community or someone who crafts texts for sung prayer (be they your community‚ intercessions or your own musical compositions), author Alan Hommerding offers helpful insights and practical tools to help you. His background as a hymn writer, a pastoral musician, and an editor of the musical texts of others well qualifies him to author this useful little volume. Words That Work for Worship .approaches the task of text evaluation from two perspectives. In the first section of the book, the various ways that the tenets of the Christian faith should‚Äîand shouldn't‚Äîbe offered in song are examined. Particular attention is paid to scriptural adaptation. In the second half, the use of imagery, metaphor, rhyme, and other devices of language are presented briefly. This section includes some simple writing exercises. Throughout, the stress is on the care that we must take to create and select the words that we musicians put in the mouths of our worshiping assemblies. Words That Work for Worship .provides the critical tools that will help your community to sing God‚ praises faithfully and beautifully.

Language: English

Format: Book