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Three Sequences for the Church Year - Cantor edition

Sequence for Easter / Sequence for Pentecost / Sequence for Corpus Christi

Arranger: Richard Proulx, Adriaan Engels, Thomas Fielding

Words for Easter & Pentecost Sequences © 1983 Peter J. Scagnelli. Publ. by WLP, a div. of GIA. Words for Corpus Christi Sequence © 1964 National Catholic Welfare Conference. This edition publ. in 2023 by GIA.


Item #: G-10720     Status: Available

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Vocal Forces: Cantor, Assembly

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Text Source: Easter: Victimae paschali laudes, ascr. Wipo of Burgundy, d.1048, tr. Peter J. Scagnelli. Pentecost: Veni Sancte Spiritus, ascr. Stephen Langton, ca. 1150–1228, tr. Peter J. Scagnelli, after Edward Caswall, 1814–1878. Corpus Christi: Thomas Aquinas, ca. 1225–1274, tr. Unknown

Music Source:

Easter: VICTIMAE PASCHALI LAUDES, Mode I, arr. Richard Proulx, 1937–2010. Pentecost: VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS, Dublin Troper, ca. 1360, Mode I. Corpus Christi: Plainsong, Mode VII, arr. Thomas Fielding

Difficulty Level: E

Liturgical: Body and Blood of Christ A, Body and Blood of Christ B, Body and Blood of Christ C, Easter Sunday, Pentecost A, Pentecost B, Pentecost C

Rites: Sequence

Number of Pages: 12

Language: English; Latin

Format: Softcover