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Teaching Music in a New Age

Our Time Is Now!

Milton Allen

Item #: G-10976     Status: Available

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A post-pandemic teaching environment, a new generation of students, stress, depression, anxiety and fear, and a world of pressures and still we’re supposed to teach and make beautiful music. But in all the discussion, programs, and plans, what happened to those who stand in front of the students: US? And does music even matter? It does. Most importantly, so do YOU. Through a combination of stories, parables, and research, Dr. Milt Allen weaves a Zen-like tapestry that covers a broad range of subjects, yet all coming back to those who stand in front. Whether you need to rethink, renew, recover, or rediscover, there’s sure to be something for you in this incredible journey into what really matters.

Topics include:

  • Dealing with fear and anxiety 
  • How little things can pull the rug out from under big things 
  • Understanding generational demographics for better teaching 
  • Brain development, adolescence, music, and your students 
  • Getting rid of “excellence” 
  • Performance-based philosophies versus participatory ones 
  • Taking chances 
  • Being selfish and self-preservation 
  • Graduate study 
  • Persistence 
  • Handling challenges 
  • Plus mountains, bicycles, stuffed bears, cancer, Jeff Coffin, ANTs, hamster tales, and more . . . 

Categories: Band/Orchestra Curriculum, Education, Reference/Textbooks, Resource Titles

Number of Pages: 206

Format: Softcover

Discipline: Band, Orchestra