Words © 1969, 1981, 1997, 2010 ICEL. Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, USCCB. Setting © 2010 GIA.
Item #: G-7696
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Status: Available
Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Priest, Assembly
Accompaniment: Keyboard
Guitar: Yes
Separate Instruments: Flute, Oboe, Trumpet I in B-flat, Trumpet I in C, Trumpet II in B-flat, Trumpet II in C, Trombone I, Trombone II, Timpani, Guitar, 2 octaves Handbells
Text Source: Revised Order of Mass 2010; Lectionary for Mass
Series: Mass
Difficulty Level: E
Commissioned by the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of England in Storrington, Haugen's versatile Storrington Mass displays striking contrasts-with other Mass settings but also within its own pages. Storrington Mass has everything we've come to expect from this master composer. Although comparatively more subdued and more lilting than some Masses, the use of the full complement of forces (including brass quartet and timpani) can make for a majestic and festive liturgy.
Brass quartet, timpani, flute, oboe, and handbell parts are optional
Categories: Choral/Vocal
Rites: Penitential Act Form 3, Glory to God / Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation, Preface Dialogue, Holy, Holy, Holy / Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation A / We Proclaim Your Death, Memorial Acclamation B / When We Eat This Bread, Memorial Acclama
Scored for: Brass
Number of Pages: 32
Language: English; Greek
Format: Softcover