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Step It Up! - Volume 2

Chant Trios for the Church Year

Robert Edward Smith


Item #: 003028    

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Status: Available

Accompaniment: Organ

Tune Name: Adoro te devote, Attende domine, Ave maria, Conditor alme siderum, Divinum mysterium, O filii et filiae, Pange lingua gloriosi, Parce domine, Veni creator spiritus, veni emmanuel

Series: Organ Library


The second volume in this series that follows Feet Don’t Fail Me Now! Attractive and accessible, these organ pieces incorporate basic pedal for the advancing organist. The trio format helps the player acquire independence of hands-on separate manuals and the chant melodies are useful for the entire church year. Includes: “Adoro Te Devote (Heavenly We Adore Thee)”; “Attende Domine (Draw Near, O Lord)”; “Ave Maria (Hail Mary)”; “Creator Alme Siderum (Creator of the Stars of Night)”; “Divinum Mysterium (Of the Father’s Love Begotten)”; “O Filii et Filiae (O Sons and Daughters)”; “Pange Lingua (Sing My Tongue)”; Parce, Domine (Sing my Tongue)”; “Puer Natus Est in Bethlehem (A Child is Born in Bethlehem)”; “Veni Creator Spiritus (Come, Creator Spirit)”; “Veni, Emmanuel (O Come, O Come, Emmanuel)”; and “Victimae Paschali Laudes (Praise the Paschal Victim)”.

Categories: Organ

Format: Printed