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Step It Up! - Volume 1

Hymn Preludes for the Seasons

Robert Farrell


Item #: 003048    

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Status: Available

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Status: Available

Accompaniment: Organ

Tune Name: Conditor alme siderum, Veni emmanuel, Mueller, Divinum mysterium, Attende domine, Erhalt uns herr, Puer nobis, O filii et filiae, Llanfair lobe den herren

Series: Organ Library


Intended to be a "step up" from WLP's popular Feet Don't Fail Me Now! Series, these appealing and practical pieces all have pedal parts and are written for the advancing organist. This collection can truly be kept handy near the organ all year round! "Creator of the Stars of Night," "O Come, O Come Emmanuel," "Away in a Manger," "Of the Father's Love Begotten," "I Saw Three Ships," ATTENDE, DOMINE, "The Glory of These Forty Days," "That Easter Day with Joy Was Bright," O FILI ET FILIAE, "Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise," "Fantasy on Eucharistic Melodies," "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty."

Categories: Organ

Format: Printed