Verses © 1998, 1997, 1970 CCD. Setting and Ant. © 2007 GIA.
Item #: G-6920
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Status: Available
Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Assembly
Accompaniment: Organ
Separate Instruments: Trumpet I in B-flat, Trumpet I in C, Trumpet II in B-flat, Trumpet II in C, Trombone I, Trombone II, Timpani, Suspended Cymbal
Tune Name: Llanfair
Text Source: Ant., Delores Dufner, vv. Lectionary for Mass, Psalm 98:1–3, Doxology
Music Source: Incorporates part of Easter Sunday introit, "Resurrexi," in verses.
Series: Corpus Christi
Difficulty Level: E/M
The assembly tune is the well-known Easter hymn llanfair, with a text based on the Easter introit. The choral verses—new composition—are drawn from Psalm 98:1–3 and give the choir truly substantive material. Add the brass, organ, and percussion, and you have a work that is worthy of this feast.
For assembly with cantor or SATB voices.
Categories: Choral/Vocal, Liturgical
Seasonal: Eastertide
Liturgical: Easter 5 A, Easter 5 B, Easter 5 C, Easter Day
Bible Reference: Psalm 98:1–3
Scored for: Brass, Percussion
Number of Pages: 12
Language: English; Latin
Format: Octavo