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Sing of God's Goodness – Volume 2

Antiphons, Psalms and Canticles

Christine Manderfeld, Cecile Gertken

Text Author: Delores Dufner

Collection © 2024 GIA. Individual copyrights may apply.


Item #: G-10905    

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Status: Available

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Status: Available

Vocal Forces: Unison Voices, Cantor, Assembly

Accompaniment: Keyboard


A skilled teacher, composer, and collaborator, Sister Christine’s antiphons are steeped in the chant tradition, allowing the meaning and poetry of text to be readily grasped by the singer or listener. While the selections within this volume are very much those of Sister Christine, as are those in her first volume, they nonetheless have been shaped and inspired by the community of St. Benedict’s Monastery in St. Joseph, Minnesota.  

Those who minister in a lectionary-based tradition have come to expect certain refrains or antiphons to be paired with a given psalm or canticle; one of the joys of this collection is the use of unexpected antiphon texts throughout. With this volume, musicians and liturgists now have a of new pairings from which to draw.

Categories: Choral/Vocal, Collection

Rites: Magnificat

Bible Reference: Psalm 8, Psalm 16, Psalm 24, Psalm 34, Psalm 63, Psalm 67, Psalm 80, Psalm 96, Psalm 98, Psalm 100, Psalm 103, Psalm 116, Psalm 118, Psalm 138, Psalm 139, Psalm 146

Number of Pages: 44

Language: English

Format: Softcover