Tr. © 1985, ICEL. Setting and Response © 2012 GIA.
Item #: G-8248
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Status: Available
Vocal Forces: SAB, SATB, Cantor, Assembly
Accompaniment: Piano
Guitar: Yes
Separate Instruments: C Instrument
Text Source: Scrutinies from Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Series: Ritual Prayer
Difficulty Level: E
The Scrutinies occur on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent, when the Elect are called before the community for exorcism and prayer. The simple Kyrie (with a spoken Confiteor) could be used as the Penitential Rite for the entire Lenten season, whether or not the Intercessions are used. The melody is the same for the Kyrie-Christe- Kyrie, but the accompaniment is varied and the choral parts unfold from unison to two-part mixed to SAB.
Categories: Choral/Vocal, Liturgical
Seasonal: Lent
Liturgical: Lent 3 A, Lent 4 A, Lent 5 A
Rites: Scrutinies, Universal Prayer / General Intercession / Prayer of the Faithful, Lord, Have Mercy / Kyrie
Number of Pages: 8
Language: English
Format: Octavo