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Roots of Music Learning Theory and Audiation - Book

GIA Monograph Series

Edwin E. Gordon

© 2011 GIA.

Item #: G-8120     Status: Available

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Series: Music Learning Theory (MLT)


Music Learning Theory is the culmination of decades of research and refinement. Edwin E. Gordon, in this monograph, presents a comprehensive bibliography listing published research pertaining to Music Learning Theory, as well as an introduction to the research-based background behind each of the major components of his groundbreaking contributions to the study of how we learn when we learn music.

Topics covered include:

  • Early childhood music
  • Aptitude
  • Tonal and rhythm considerations
  • Learning sequence activities

Edwin E. Gordon is Distinguished Professor in Residence at the University of South Carolina and the author of more than eighteen books. Professor Gordon and his work have been portrayed nationally and internationally on the NBC Today Show, in The New York Times, in USA Today, and in a variety of European and Asian publications.

Categories: Guidebook, Method, Skill Building

Number of Pages: 60

Language: English

Format: Book