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Item #: G-7857
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Difficulty Level: E/M
Beginning with an edifying essay by renowned hymn text writer Mary Louise Bringle, New Wine in Old Wineskins, Volume 2 is packed with 76 hymn texts coupled with more familiar hymn tunes, creating a winning combination that provides exciting, new, yet singable, music for worship.
Some of the text writers of the late twentieth and early twenty-?rst centuries included in this collection are Thomas Troeger, Timothy Dudley-Smith, Delores Dufner, Adam M. L. Tice, Frank von Christierson, Albert J. Bayly, John A. Dalles, and John Thornburg. As in the previous volume, this collection includes compositions by such pioneering African American composers as Charles H. Nicks, Jr., Stephen F. Key, V. Michael McKay, G. T. Haywood, Glenn Edward Burleigh, Oliver H. Owens, and David Frazier.
Categories: Choral/Vocal, Hymnody
Language: English
Format: Softcover