Words © 1969, 1981, 1997, 2010 ICEL. Published with the approval of the CDW, USCCB. Setting © 2020 GIA.
Item #: G-10250
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Status: Available
Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Priest, Assembly
Accompaniment: Keyboard
Guitar: Yes
Separate Instruments: Guitar
Tune Name: Conditor alme siderum
Text Source: Revised Order of Mass 2010; Lectionary for Mass
Music Source: Based on conditor alme siderum, Mode IV, Sarum, 9th c.
Series: Mass
Difficulty Level: E/M
Kathleen Demny, inspired by Carol Browning’s arrangement of the hymn tune CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM (“Creator of the Stars of Night”), has further adapted and arranged the tune as the basis for Missa de Lumine. The Browning arrangement appears in several GIA hymnals, making the Demny setting the perfect addition to Advent celebrations.
Categories: Choral/Vocal, Liturgical
Seasonal: Advent
Number of Pages: 24
Language: English
Format: Softcover