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Misa Luna - Keyboard / Vocal Edition - 2018 Revision

Peter M. Kolar


Item #: 018110    

PDF for $12.00

Status: Available

$12.00 Ship

Status: Available

Vocal Forces: Cantor, Descant, Unison, Assembly, Two-part

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Guitar: Yes

Separate Instruments: Guitar, Trumpet 1, Trumpet 2, Flute, Oboe


Conforms to the official English and Spanish liturgical texts for the United States.

Inspirada en las armonías y el contrapunto de la música clásica estilo barroco, pero utilizando un lenguaje musical moderno apropiado para una liturgia multicultural, Misa Luna está construida de una forma imaginative y versátil. Sus melodías son fáciles de aprender para una comunidad angloparlante, hispanohablante o bilingüe, y su círculo de acordes es simple para los guitarristas. Al ser acompañada por órgano y trompeta tanto por guitarra y percusiónn esta música bella elevará la dignidad de las celebraciones.


Inspired by the harmonies and counterpoint of classical Baroque music, but using modern musical language appropriate for a multicultural liturgy, Misa Luna is imaginatively and versatilely built. Its melodies are easy to learn for an English-speaking, Spanish-speaking or bilingual community, and its chord circle is simple for guitarists. Whether accompanied by organ and trumpet or by guitar and percussion, this beautiful music will elevate the dignity of your celebrations.


Coro a dos voces, cantor, y asamblea | Two-part choir, Cantor, and Assembly

Categories: Choral/Vocal

Topical: Mass Setting

Number of Pages: 60

Format: Printed