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Mass of Wisdom - Full Score

Steven R. Janco


Item #: 018040    

PDF for $16.00

Status: Available

$16.00 Ship

Status: Available

Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Assembly

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Guitar: Yes

Separate Instruments: Woodwinds, Timpani, Brass Quartet, Guitar


What has made this Mass rise to the top in popularity in parishes across the English-speaking world? Its adaptability. From parishes with keyboard and/or guitar and cantor to cathedrals with a large SATB choir and multiple instruments (organ, brass quartet, timpani, handbells), Mass of Wisdom has proven itself as a “Mass for the masses.” Its step-wise melodic patterns make it easy to learn without sounding musically trite in any way. Music directors agree that the through-composed Gloria is one of the most finely crafted of all the new musical settings of the prayer. That fine crafting extends to all components of this Mass, especially the acclamations sung during the Eucharistic Prayer. The multi-layered Hosannas in the Sanctus will delight the members of the choir as well as the singing assembly. This is a Mass setting that simply soars.

It is a perfect setting for Ordinary Time, but music directors tell us that the Christmas and Easter seasons are made more glorious and joyful when this setting is sung, especially when the additional instrumentation is added. Dioceses and parishes that employed Mass of Wisdom as the first setting during the implementation of the new translation have found themselves returning to it time and time again. It truly has become part of the “Catholic musical DNA” across the United States and beyond.

Topical: Mass Setting

Format: Printed