© 1984 GIA.
Item #: G-2777INST
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Status: Available
Instrumental parts included: C Instrument I, C Instrument II, Trumpet I in B-flat, Trumpet II in B-flat, Trombone I, Trombone II, Timpani
Separate Instruments: 2 octaves Handbells
Parts for two trumpets, two trombones, and timpani are included in this set of instrumental parts. There are percussion parts for 1) Lord Have Mercy / Penitential Rite, and 2) Word of Truth and Life / Gospel Acclamation. These parts are now included, however, ONLY in the downloadable version: D-2777INST. In print, they are available: 1) the Full Score, G-2777FS, and 2) in the collection, G-2768.
Please note: there are parts for two woodwinds / C instruments available in the music collection, G-2768, and may be used when brass instruments are not available. The woodwind parts are not recommended for use with the brass parts in this edition, G-2777INST, as the trumpets are a B-flat version of the same music.
Scored for: Brass, Mixed Ensemble, Percussion, Woodwinds
Ensemble/Orchestration: Quartet
Number of Pages: 4
Format: Printed