Text of bridge and arr. © 2012, 2022 WLP, a div. of GIA.
Item #: G-10540
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Status: Available
Vocal Forces: Three-part mixed, Cantor, Assembly
Accompaniment: Keyboard
Guitar: Yes
Separate Instruments: Trumpet in B-flat, Trumpet in C, Guitar
Tune Name: Easter hymn
Text Source: Vs. 1 / Estrofa 1: Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; Vss. 2, 3 / Estrofas 2, 3: The Compleat Psalmodist, ca. 1750, alt.; Vs. 4 / Estrofa 4: Charles Wesley, 1707–1788, alt.; Span. tr. / Tr. al esp. Juan Bautista Cabrera, 1837–1916; Bridge / Puente: Tony Alonso
Music Source: Lyra Davidica, 1708
Series: Tu Pueblo Canta
Difficulty Level: E/M
Categories: Choral/Vocal
Seasonal: Eastertide
Liturgical: Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday
Topical: Resurrection
Scored for: Brass
Number of Pages: 16
Language: English; Spanish
Format: Octavo