© 1978, 2000 GIA Publications, Inc.
Item #: G-5339
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Status: Available
Accompaniment: Organ
Instrumental parts included: Handbells, Percussion
Series: Choral Classics
Difficulty Level: E
This piece makes feasts festive. The refrain begins in Latin, “Salve festa dies!” and concludes, “On this day the Lord has acted, we will rejoice and be glad in it!” Before concluding with a well-developed polyphonic alleluia and repeated refrain, the choir chants one of five verses: Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Ascension, or Pentecost.
8 Handbells or Orchestral Bells, percussion part is for Gong or Cymbal.
Categories: Choral/Vocal
Seasonal: Christmastide, Eastertide
Liturgical: Ascension A, Ascension B, Ascension C, Christmas Day, Christmas Night, Christmas Vigil, Epiphany, Pentecost A, Pentecost B, Pentecost C, Easter Sunday
Rites: Gathering Rite, Confirmation
Topical: Festive
Scored for: Handbell, Mixed Ensemble, Percussion
Number of Pages: 12
Format: Octavo