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Item #: G-7488
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Status: Available
Accompaniment: None
Guitar: Yes
Difficulty Level: E/M
This thoughtful and sincere recording by new GIA artist Paul Melley contains poignant and relevant texts, many straight from the Lectionary for Mass. With solid Catholic theology and a contemporary Christian style, Humbled will truly inspire both your worship and your private meditation.
Contemplative songs like “Out of the Depths,” “You Will Know,” and “I Am” feel like a warm embrace of peace and comfort while “Our Help Is from the Lord,” “Faith, Hope, and Love,” and “The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us” will stir your spirit and move you to sing and dance for joy. You can’t help but become involved in this music.
This disciple of Christ sings his faith from the heart, and the songs on this recording go beyond mere hearing, beyond mere singing, beyond mere understanding to a place that resonates deep within the soul. Melley is a contemporary mouthpiece for God, and Humbled is his testament.
Contents: Humbled; Take, Lord, Receive; Our Help Is from the Lord; You Will Know; Faith, Hope, and Love; I Am; Let Us See Your Kindness; Deny Yourself; Out of the Depths; The Lord Has Done Great Things; His Cross Is Every Tree; Let There Be Light
Categories: Choral/Vocal, Collection
Number of Pages: 36
Language: English
Format: Softcover