Paul Melley is a sought after singer, composer, speaker and saxophonist.
His vibrant contemporary sound coupled with engaging theological insights captivates Catholics of all ages. With musical styles ranging from deeply reflective to dynamic, Paul’s work offers something for all worship settings.
Paul is a GIA artist with his first collection,
Humbled, enthusiastically received. He recently released his second collection,
God is Love. In addition to song writing and performing, Paul was an editor for the GIA hymnal,
Cross Generations, which features many of his songs and he produced several of the accompanying recordings. He has been featured on numerous recordings from GIA and OCP and has performed and presented throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, including two World Youth Days, WYD 2002 (Toronto, CA) and most recently at WYD 2008 (Sydney, Australia).
Currently as the Director of Liturgical Music at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, Paul oversees the music for liturgy and worship and leads the RCIA program on campus. Previously, Paul was the Pastoral Musician and Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Ignatius Church, at Boston College. He has also served as part-time member of the faculty at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry and as a team member for Notre Dame's Frank J. Lewis Institute.
Paul lives in Massachusetts with his wife and their two children, and is pursuing his Master of Theology with a concentration in Liturgy at Boston College.
Forming the Young Liturgical Minister - Music Education,Sacred Music,Other
College campus students are the servants who minister an ever-changing community. How do we prepare them for such service and for going beyond college ministry into the future of the larger Church? How do we train dedicated and creative future lay leaders in response to the declining availability of ordained ministers?
The Sound of Prayer - Music Education,Sacred Music
What we do with our voices creates a setting for prayer and worship. We express meaning more deeply in song. Learn how we can cultivate the spirituality and attitudes that help us attend more deeply to these truths, with a special emphasis on the young.