© 2010 ICEL. This ed. publ. in 2012 by GIA.
Item #: G-8256
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Status: Available
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Status: Available
Vocal Forces: Unison
Accompaniment: None
Text Source: The Roman Missal 2010
Music Source: The Roman Missal 2010
Series: Ritual Prayer
Difficulty Level: E/M
The Exsultet is the central text of the entire liturgical year, for it announces that "this is the night" in which humanity and all creation receive the good news of salvation. This new edition of the Exsultet is taken directly from the 2010 English translation of The Roman Missal according to the third typical edition. The melody is an elaborate version of the familiar Preface chant tone. Both the longer form and the shorter form of the text are included in this edition in their entirety.
MP3 download instructions: Windows users right click on the button for Long Form or Short Form. Mac users hold down the Option key as you click the button. Then select either "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." and choose the location you would like to save the file on your computer.
Categories: Cantor Resources, Choral/Vocal, Liturgical
Liturgical: Easter Vigil
Rites: Exsultet
Number of Pages: 12
Language: English
Format: Softcover