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Conducting Choral Warm-ups with Voice Science in Mind: Reinforcing Healthy Vocalism — Set 2 (Chapter 3 and 4) - Streaming Video

Lectures On Conducting Techniques for Conducting Choral-Warm-Ups with Practical Application

James Jordan

Item #: SV-1131     Status: Available

Video for $9.95

Series: Evoking Sound


This is the second set (2 videos in total — Chapters 3 & 4 ) in the Conducting Choral Warm-ups with Voice Science in Mind video series.

James Jordan has been at the forefront of Choral-Warm-Up Pedagogy for over 30 years beginning with his landmark publications with Frauke Haasemann.  But during that time he has never discussed, taught or taught the gestural art of conducting choral warm-ups that support the essential elements of good vocalism.  The specific content of these lectures includes explanations and demonstrations of conducting the following specific challenges for every conductor:

  • On the Breath Singing
  • Breath Impulse Gesture
  • Enabling Musical Line through understanding the horizontal aspects of gesture
  • Conducting Vocal Onset
  • Conducting Vocal Offsets
  • Conducting Leaps
  • Helping Vocal registration
  • Centered Conducting
  • The Use of Laban Effort Shape Gestural Vocabularly To Empower Singers
  • The Role of Body Architecture and Centering In Conducting Warm-Ups
  • Aware Listening For Vocal Issues
  • The Importance of Hand position and Arm Architecture

Categories: Conducting, Warm-Ups

Format: Video

Discipline: Choir