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Come, Emmanuel Mass - Choral / Accompaniment edition

Paul Hillebrand

Published with the approval of the CDW, USCCB. Words © 1969, 1981, 1997, 2010 ICEL. Setting © 2022 GIA.


Item #: G-10698    

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Status: Available

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Status: Available

Vocal Forces: SATB, Cantor, Priest, Assembly

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Guitar: Yes

Separate Instruments: C Instrument I, C Instrument II, Trumpet I in C, Trumpet I in B-flat, Trumpet II in C, Trumpet II in B-flat, Trombone I, Trombone II

Tune Name: Veni emmanuel

Text Source: Revised Order of Mass 2010; Lectionary for Mass

Music Source: Based on veni emmanuel; Setting by Paul Hillebrand

Series: Mass


Come, Emmanuel Mass, based on the familiar hymn tune VENI EMMANUEL, is a setting to return to year after year during both the Advent and Christmas seasons. Written in triple
meters, this seasonal Mass setting is easily singable by choir and assembly and works beautifully whether using simple keyboard accompaniment or using full instrumentation. A wonderful addition to your seasonal repertoire!

Seasonal: Advent

Scored for: Brass, Mixed Ensemble, Woodwinds

Ensemble/Orchestration: Quartet

Number of Pages: 24

Language: English

Format: Softcover