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Cantor's Book of Gospel Acclamations - Volume 2

Editor: David Anderson, Michael Silhavy

Words © 1969, 1981, 1997 ICEL. Collection © 2014 GIA. Individual copyrights may apply.


Item #: G-8800    

PDF for $37.00

Status: Available

$37.00 Ship

Status: Available

Vocal Forces: Cantor

Accompaniment: Keyboard

Guitar: Yes

Text Source: Lectionary for Mass

Difficulty Level: E


The Cantor’s Book of Gospel Acclamations has been a mainstay of Catholic worship for over 15 years. Now, volume two provides gospel acclamations and verses for some of the most popular new and revised Mass settings from our hymnals Worship—Fourth Edition and Gather— Third Edition.

Included is the gospel acclamation from best-selling Mass of Joy and Peace by Tony Alonso along with those from Mass of Creation and Storrington Mass by Marty Haugen, Missa Pacem by L. Randolph Babin, Unity Mass, Norah Duncan IV, Glendalough Mass by Liam Lawton, and Alleluias from the Taizé Community.

We’ve done all the work for you. No more writing out the gospel verse for your cantors. The attractive and dignified cover makes it suitable for liturgical use. Proclaiming the gospel acclamation has never been easier!

Categories: Cantor Resources, Liturgical

Rites: Gospel Acclamation, Lenten Gospel Acclamation

Number of Pages: 208

Language: English

Format: Spiral