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Building a Band Program that Lasts - Book

Trey Reely

Item #: G-10590     Status: Available

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Developing and sustaining a successful band program is no easy task. But there is good news—understanding and implementing critical guiding principles will provide the motivation for consistent growth and productivity. And there is even better news. The very theories that lead to consistent success with a band program are the perfect tonic for your own well-being: developing a philosophy, maintaining a winning attitude, learning for life, embracing variety, communicating effectively, positioning for success, accepting feedback, encouraging teamwork, leading, motivating, and the list goes on. Whether you are about to begin your band-directing career or have long since taken the plunge, Building a Band Program that Lasts will give you the essential tools you need for lasting success in band and life.

Categories: Band/Orchestra Curriculum, Reference/Textbooks, Resource Titles, Teaching/Conducting

Number of Pages: 124

Format: Book

Discipline: Band