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Antiphonale Romanum - Volume 2

Ad Vesperas in Dominicis et Festis

© 2009, S.A.S. La Froidfontaine, France; © 1998, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, pour les textes extraits de la Nova Vulgata Bibliorum Sacrorum Editio.

Item #: G-7986B     Status: Available

$55.50 Ship

Music Source: Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes

Difficulty Level: E/M


Antiphonale Romanum II : The official book of the Roman Church for the celebration of Vespers in Gregorian Chant.

Sing Sunday Vespers in Gregorian Chant, and according to the renewed liturgy of Vatican II– it’s now possible.

The Antiphonale Romanum II is an eight-hundred-page book printed on bible paper having the usual format of books of Gregorian Chant published by Solesmes. It contains all the elements necessary for singing Sunday Vespers and the Vespers of all the feasts of the year. That means the hymns, the antiphons, the psalms and canticles, the readings, the brief responses, the intercessory prayers and the prayers that conclude the office. At the end of the book is a chapter that explains in detail the rules of chant pertaining to each of these musical forms.

The book is laid out according to the Liturgy of the Hours and draws from the patrimony of Gregorian Chant found in the mediaeval manuscripts and later tradition. The melodies offered have been edited in conformity with the critical methods of present-day musicology. They are at the same time so presented that amateur choirs can easily use them. 

Categories: Chant, Choral/Vocal, Liturgical

Rites: Evening Prayer / Vespers

Language: Latin

Format: Hard Cover