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Thompson, Aaron

I have been blessed to work within the Catholic Church for almost Thirty years. My faith journey began as a baby in Chicago and Glencoe Illinois.  My faith began to awake as a teenager at St. Maria Goretti in  Scottsdale Arizona.  In Scottsdale, my father served on the parish council and my mother sang in the choir and cleaned the sanctuary. I played trumpet and attended RE along with my siblings. It was in college at NAU that my curiousity exploded with questions about God and soon the church I had attended all my life.  In 1986, I began learning guitar and piano at the Newman Center in Flagstaff.  In 1989, I interned with NALR Publications and listened to the music of Daniel Consiglio (Brother Cyprian), Tom Kendzia, Dan Schutte, Paul Hillebrand and many talented composers.  I realized that pastoral ministry in the Catholic  would be my career. 

I am an African American Catholic man married to a Scotch-Irish wife and together we have four children; Mark, Madison, Damaris and Aaron Michael.  Our mixed race family has been welcomed into the hearts of  Catholic parishes from Arizona to Wisconsin and all the way to California.  My life and work is a fusion of culture, family, and community.  This unique mixture with it's tensions and insights has had a profound spiritual influence on my work as a composer and pastoral musician. 

Sometimes I wake up and struggle to recognize the church in which I grew up some Thirty years ago.  Praise God for growth. Praise God for change.  Praise God that the Holy Spirit is guiding, stretching and always calling us to live a faith that we often times cannot fully understand.  Praise God, for without a doubt, it is a most amazing time to live a Catholic.   

In my music and in concert, I sing a unique and passionate medley of this Catholic journey.  I was raised with a love of classical instrumental and vocal music, but our home was also filled with gospel, folk and rock n roll and soul music.  My pastoral work is also a blend of traditional and contemporary.  At mass we chant the entrance antiphon.  I will worship God with the pipe organ, the guitar, or on the piano.  I teach and lead the choir in contemporary songs, sacred hymns, choral settings and chant.   

Join me for an evening of music and prayer.  I look forward to bringing my my concert ministry to your city and parish.

Visit my Facebook Fanpage:

Visit my new website:  www.Aaronthompsonmusic (coming Fall).  

“Let us thank God that He makes us live among the present problems. It is no longer permitted to anyone to be mediocre.” ― Pope Pius XI

Peace and Good

Aaron Thompson -- I See God in You