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Created with the same care and vision as the best-selling The Lyric Psalter, The Lyric Gospel Acclamations is a two-volume collection containing lyric settings of every Gospel Acclamation verse from the Lectionary for Mass for Sundays, Solemnities, and Feasts.

Below, find both video and audio samples of every verses throughout the liturgical year. Sample these yourself or share these with your cantors ahead of time to quickly help them learn the music.

Download All Audio Files (.zip)
Images of both Lyric Gospel Acclamation Books

The Lyric Gospel Acclamations
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Full Refrain + Verse Sample Video

Download Advent Audio Only (.zip)
Advent Refrain
+ Verse Sample
Advent 1 | ABC Verse Only
Advent | 2ABC Verse Only
Advent | 3ABC Verse Only
Advent | 4A Verse Only
Advent | 4BC Verse Only
Immaculate Conception Verse Only


Full Refrain + Verse Sample Video

Download Christmas Audio Only (.zip)
Christmas Vigil Mass | ABC Verse Only
Christmas Mass During the Night | ABC Verse Only
Christmas Mass at Dawn | ABC Verse Only
Christmas Mass During the Day | ABC Verse Only
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph | ABC Verse Only
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph | Optional B Verse Only
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph | Optional C Verse Only
Epiphany of the Lord | ABC Verse Only
Baptism of the Lord | ABC Verse Only
Baptism of the Lord | Optional B Verse Only
Baptism of the Lord | Optional C Verse Only


Full Refrain + Verse Sample Video

Download Lent Audio Only (.zip)
Lent Refrain
+ Verse Sample
Ash Wednesday | ABC Verse Only
First Sunday of Lent | ABC Verse Only
Second Sunday of Lent | ABC Verse Only
Third Sunday of Lent | A Verse Only
Third Sunday of Lent | B Verse Only
Third Sunday of Lent | C Verse Only
Fourth Sunday of Lent | A Verse Only
Fourth Sunday of Lent | B Verse Only
Fourth Sunday of Lent | C Verse Only
Fifth Sunday of Lent | A Verse Only
Fifth Sunday of Lent | B Verse Only
Fifth Sunday of Lent | C Verse Only
Joseph, Husband of Mary | ABC Verse Only
Annunciation of the Lord Verse Only
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord | ABC Verse Only
Thursday of the Lord’s Supper | ABC Verse Only
Good Friday | ABC Verse Only


Full Refrain + Verse Sample Video

Download Easter Audio Only (.zip)
Easter Refrain
+ Verse Sample
Easter Sunday | ABC Verse Only
Second Sunday of Easter | ABC Verse Only
Third Sunday of Easter | AB Verse Only
Third Sunday of Easter | C Verse Only
Fourth Sunday of Easter | ABC Verse Only
Fifth Sunday of Easter | A Verse Only
Fifth Sunday of Easter | B Verse Only
Fifth Sunday of Easter | B Verse Only
Sixth Sunday of Easter | ABC Verse Only
Ascension of the Lord Verse Only
Seventh Sunday of Easter | ABC Verse Only
Pentecost Sunday | ABC Verse Only

Ordinary Time

Download Ordinary Time and Solemnities Audio Only (.zip)
OT | 2A Verse Only
OT | 2B Verse Only
OT | 2C & 25B Verse Only
OT | 3A, 20A, & 25B Verse Only
OT | 3B & 11A Verse Only
OT | 3C, 7B & 10A Verse Only
OT | 4A & 6C Verse Only
OT | 4B Verse Only
OT | 4C Verse Only
OT | 5A Verse Only
OT | 5B Verse Only
OT | 5C Verse Only
OT | 6A, 14A, & 16A Verse Only
OT | 6B Verse Only
OT | 7A Verse Only
OT | 7C & 24A Verse Only
OT | 8A & 29C Verse Only
OT | 8B & 22B Verse Only
OT | 9A Verse Only
OT | 9B & 26B Verse Only
OT | 9C & 31C Verse Only
OT | 10B Verse Only
OT | 11B Verse Only
OT | 11C Verse Only
OT | 12A Verse Only
OT | 12B & 17B Verse Only
OT | 12C, 16B, 20C, & 26A Verse Only
OT | 13A Verse Only
OT | 13B & 30B Verse Only
OT | 13C Verse Only
OT | 14B Verse Only
OT | 14C Verse Only
OT | 15A Verse Only
OT | 15B, 22A, & 28A Verse Only
OT | 15C & 21B Verse Only
OT | 16C Verse Only
OT | 17A Verse Only
OT | 17C Verse Only
OT | 18A Verse Only
OT | 18B Verse Only
OT | 18C & 29A Verse Only
OT | 19A Verse Only
OT | 19B Verse Only
OT | 20B Verse Only
OT | 21A & St. Peter and Paul During the Day Verse Only
OT | 21C Verse Only
OT | 22C Verse Only
OT | 23A & 24C Verse Only
OT | 23C Verse Only
OT | 24B Verse Only
OT | 25A Verse Only
OT | 25C & 26C Verse Only
OT | 27A Verse Only
OT | 27B Verse Only
OT | 27C Verse Only
OT | 28B, 32B, & 18C Verse Only
OT | 28C Verse Only
OT | 29B Verse Only
OT | 30A & 31B Verse Only
OT | 30C Verse Only
OT | 31A Verse Only
OT | 32A & 19C Verse Only
OT | 32C Verse Only
OT | 33A Verse Only
OT | 33B Verse Only
OT | 33C Verse Only
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Verse Only
Most Holy Trinity Verse Only

Solemnities and Feasts

Download Ordinary Time and Solemnities Audio Only (.zip)
Feb. 2 | Presentation of the Lord Verse Only
June 24 | Nativity of Saint John the Baptist — Vigil Mass Verse Only
June 24 | Nativity of Saint John the Baptist — Mass during Day Verse Only
June 29 | Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles — Vigil Mass Verse Only
June 29 | Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles — Mass during Day Verse Only
August 6 | Transfiguration of the Lord Verse Only
August 15 | Assumption of Mary — Vigil Mass Verse Only
August 15 | Assumption of Mary — Mass during Day Verse Only
September 14 | Exaltation of the Holy Cross Verse Only
November 1 | All Saints Verse Only
November 2 | All Soul's Day - 1 Verse Only
November 2 | All Soul's Day - 2 Verse Only
November 2 | All Soul's Day - 3 Verse Only
November 2 | All Soul's Day - 4 Verse Only
November 2 | All Soul's Day - 5 Verse Only
November 9 | Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Verse Only