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The Taizé Community is composed of around a hundred brothers. They come from different Christian traditions over twenty-five different countries, and make a life commitment to live together in joy, simplicity, and mercy as a "parable of community," a sign of the Gospel's call to reconciliation at the heart of the world.

Tens of thousands of young adults come throughout each year to spend a week going to the roots of the Christian faith. They join in the community's worship three times a day, listen to Bible introductions on the sources of the faith, spend time reflecting in silence, and meet in small sharing-groups.

Spending a week listening to people one's own age from countries as diverse as Lithuania, Canada, the Philippines, and Portugal, all of whom are sharing deeply about their searching and their struggle to live out their faith, can be a life-transforming experience for those who take part. And the community encourages participants, when they return home, to take back what they have discovered and put it into practice in the concrete conditions of their life – in their parishes, their place of work or study, their families.

The Community has no desire to create a movement centered on Taizé, but encourages each person to become a bearer of peace and reconciliation wherever he or she lives. The "songs of Taizé" make it possible for hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world to be linked in common praise of God.

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Taizé Community Resources

Explore each category of resources offered by clicking any of the buttons below:

Music Collections from the Taizé Community

The songs of Taizé make it possible for hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world to be linked in common praise of God. Explore the full collections of music from the Taizé Community offered exclusively at GIA.

Many of the collections are available in multiple formats including assembly-only, instrumentalists editions, presider editions, and more.

Explore Taizé Music Collections

Books and Resources from the Taizé Community

We are also proud to offer a wide variety of books and resources directly from the brothers of the Taizé community themselves.

These resources range from individual prayer and chant books, to biographies and musings from highly regarded members of the community, to biblical texts, commentaries, and questions. Explore these resources today!

Explore Taizé Books and Resources

Recordings from the Taizé Community

Listen and watch some of the many recordings we have available from the Taizé community. Numerous audio recordings are available as a physical CD and for digital download. These are perfect for use in a group worship setting or for personal reflection.

We also have numerous videos avaialble on DVD or digital download. Learn about the brothers of the Taizé Community and how they worship with these resources.

Explore Taizé Recordings

Octavo Editions from the Taizé Music Series

GIA is proud to publish the Taizé Music Series. Most entries in this series can be used year round in numerous worship services and are available as single printed sheet music or as digital download.

Explore this music series and find some new pieces for your own community today!

Explore Octavos from the Taizé Music Series