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The Interpretive Wind Band Conductor

John Knight


Item #: 317169     Status: Available

$24.95 Ship


The Interpretive Wind Band Conductor will help conductors make the creative leap from simply reading notes to insightful musical interpretation. In addition to a long list of topics on conducting and interpretation, it includes in-depth analysis of six masterworks for band, and provides solutions for conducting irregular and non-metrical problems inherent in contemporary music. Thank you for your brilliant interpretive analysis of my 'La Fiesta Mexicana.' It is obvious that you have studied the score very closely and know the music even better than I do! Great advice and insights for the conductor to know for the execution and interpretation of my music. - H. Owen Reed, composer Click here for a YouTube video on The Interpretive Wind Band Conductor

Categories: Conducting, Teaching & Conducting Resources, Teaching/Conducting

Number of Pages: 168

Format: Softcover

Discipline: Band