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In the Shadow of God

Introits for Lent

Paul A. Tate, Ken Macek

© 2012 GIA, except Holy Thursday's antiphon © 2010 ICEL.


Item #: G-8079    

PDF for $5.65

Status: Available

$5.65 Ship

Status: Available

Vocal Forces: SATB

Guitar: Yes

Separate Instruments: C Instrument I, C Instrument II, C Instrument III, Cello, Guitar

Text Source: Holy Thursday antiphon, The Roman Missal 2010

Difficulty Level: E/M


In the Shadow of God is the final edition in this series of contemporary settings of the proper introits, adapted from the Gregorian Missal. This edition includes seven musical selections including introits for Ash Wednesday, the five Sundays of Lent, and Holy Thursday. Each of the singable, short melodies includes the antiphon and appointed Psalm verse for each Sunday and will set a tone of reverence and awe for your Lenten celebrations. The mantra-like, repetitive structure also lends them to use in Communion processions without worship aids, or as variable-length post-Communion musical meditations. 

Categories: Choral/Vocal, Liturgical

Seasonal: Lent

Liturgical: Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday

Number of Pages: 40

Language: English

Format: Softcover