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Welcome, readers of the GIA Quarterly!


Below are the links referred to in “Planning Music for Liturgy: Seeing the Forest for the Trees” by Christian Cosas in the issue for May–August 2018 of the GIA Quarterly, volume 29, number 2, pages 15–17.

This link provides a sample spreadsheet used for music planning of the principle celebrations of Advent and Christmastide, December 2017–January 2018, and a blank template for Advent vespers.

Advent and Christmastide, December 2017–January 2018

Blank template for Advent vespers

This link provides a sample spreadsheet used for music planning of the Sundays of the Most Holy Trinity through Christ the King, including holy days of obligation, June–November 2017 as well as samples of weekly “school” liturgies for the same period.

Ordinary Time (Year A) Summer-Fall spreadsheet

School Masses Fall Ordinary Time (Year A) spreadsheet  

This link provides a blank sample spreadsheet form (template) to adapt for your own planning.

Blank Liturgy Planning Spreadsheet

The author and editors hope you may find these sample downloads helpful in your music ministry.

Thank you for reading the GIA Quarterly!